This is a forum discussion about SeDiv, a software tool for hard disk drive repair and firmware recovery. SeDiv is developed by Mr. Div, a Russian programmer, and it supports various brands and models of HDDs, such as Seagate, Western Digital, Hitachi, Toshiba, and Samsung. SeDiv is a software-only tool that does not have data extractor or hardware box features, unlike other tools such as PC-3000, HD Doctor, HRT, or MRT. SeDiv costs $350 USD and can be purchased from authorized resellers.
The discussion starts with Spildit, a forum moderator and data recovery expert, who shares his excitement about the latest version of SeDiv that works properly with 1024 X 768 screen resolution. He posts three screenshots of the SeDiv main utility that show the improved visibility and arrangement of the menus and options.
The next post is from Thorix, a new user who asks for a link to download SeDiv or any other free version. He says he needs the tool to fix his Seagate ST500DM002 (Barracuda) drive that cannot read sector \"0\".
Spildit replies that SeDiv is not a free tool and provides links to the official website and the free demo version that can only read firmware on some drives. He also recommends ICCSYS as a reliable reseller.
Thorix apologizes for his request and explains that he is new to data recovery. He asks if Spildit can help him with his drive problem and suggests using HD Doctor for Seagate and the command (m0,2,2,,,,22) to fix it. He also mentions that his monograph (final course project) is inside the drive and he is very worried about losing it. He provides his email address for further assistance.
Spildit informs Thorix that HD Doctor for Seagate is a hardware box + software combination that cannot be sent by email. He also warns him that the command (m0,2,2,,,,22) is only for 7200.11 drives with 0 LBA problem and should not be used on other drives as it can cause partial access and translator damage. He says that DM series drives like Thorix's have various issues that may require firmware patching or head/media replacement to clone or image the drive. He advises Thorix to try cloning the drive with hddsuperclone or ddrescue, two free software tools for Linux, and if that does not work, to consider using a professional data recovery firm.
Thorix asks how much HD Doctor for Seagate costs and if there are any freeware tools or commands for his drive. He also asks how he can update the firmware for his drive if there is no firmware available on Seagate website and how he can do that if the drive cannot be read. He also asks what he should do with the clone drive if he manages to get one with hddsuperclone or ddrescue.
Spildit provides Thorix with a link to a forum thread where he can find information about data recovery tools and prices. He also tells him that updating the firmware is not a simple task and requires special tools and skills. He says that if he gets a clone drive, he should scan it with data recovery software such as R-Studio or GetDataBack to recover his files.
Thorix thanks Spildit for his advice and says he has opened a new topic with more details about his drive issue.
The discussion continues with pikus_09, another forum user who is involved in improving SeDiv, asking Spildit to check some functions of the tool. Spildit replies that he will and asks pikus_09 if he has checked them already.
pikus_09 says that he has not because he does not use SeDiv at the moment and does not need to load Victoria log defect for Seagate drives.
Spildit asks pikus_09 what he is using then and if it is MRT, another Chinese hardware + software tool for HDD repair and data recovery.
pikus_09 says that he is using nothing and that he is currently helping improve SeDiv.
Spildit asks pikus_09 how he can help improve SeDiv if he does not use it.
pikus_09 says practice.
The discussion ends with trumanhw, another forum user who asks if SeDiv is made by Salvation Data or if it is a third party software provider competing for software to run SD's product. He also wonders if someone will do this for PC-3000, a popular hardware + software tool from Ace Laboratory.
pclab, another forum
sediv 16